TOM SELLECK and his MAGNUM P.I co-star ROGER MOSLEY along with PHYLLIS DAVIS stars in this drive in classic! In the wake of a Supreme Court decision to outlaw the death penalty, California passes an initiative that designates TERMINAL ISLAND as a dumping spot for first-degree murder convicts, 40 men and 4 women, free to do what they like.......except leave! The main camp of convicts is controlled by the tyrannical Bobby (Sean Kenney, STAR TREK, CORPSE GRINDER), who along with Monk (Roger Mosley) rules with an iron hand, and the women are used as sex slaves. On the other side of the island, A.J. (Don Marshall, LAND OF THE GIANTS) and a group of more free-minded murderers have escaped and gone into hiding. When A.J. and his men liberate the women (including Phyllis Davis, drive-in star of SWEET SUGAR, and Marta Kristen, LOST IN SPACE) from Bobby's custody, tensions mount to an all-out confrontation for control of the island!
Special Features
Brand New 16x9 widescreen master from UCLA/the director's archieved print
Play with inmates: audio commentary with Sean Kenney and Don Marshall modorated by Scott Spiegel and Bill Olsen.
Introduction by Mickey Zide, of Dimension Pictures
On camera interview with Sean Kenney
On camera interview with Don Marshall
Phone interview with star Phyllis Davis
MSRP 22.98
Oh, this is just taking the fecking piss - you've got the front to 'proudly announce' 3 back to back utter toss DVDs in less than one week, all excited and full of some sense of achievement BUT to still cannot summon up the cajones tell anyone the truth on BBNM or Nightmare - I know for a fact your claims of translation issues on the Scavolini interview were just so much crap, because it is all over the web just which bilingual cinematic type translated it fully OVER A YEAR AGO. I wonder if the protests of having problems with print quality and then MIRACULOUSLY discovering a new print element which needs to be worked on at length will turn out to be just so much horse-shit too...
HILARIOUS! and totally on the money. This blog has become more entertaining than anything Code Red can offer...but then again that's not difficult seeing that CR produces next to nothing.
How DARE stunningly dire titles like 'Gosh it's me Alice Goodbody' get this kind of attention when BBNM languishes for YEARS! What is the point of releasing drivel like that? So many people have been asking for any info about BBNM and CR continues to ignore. This is either a most jaw-dropping display of arrogance or simply gross incompetence. BBNM has totally sunk to the bottom of Code Red's swamp of bogus release claims where titles like Nightmare perished long ago.
It takes brains, balls and bucks to run a distribution company well. Looks like Code Red was lobotomized, neutered and bankrupt some time ago.
I am so glad that Nightmare is finally coming out so that all these idiotic commenters will have to find a new pet topic to complain about. If you get this worked up over the DVD release of obscure horror films you should seek psychiatric help.
I'm a big fan of many of Code Red's upcoming releases but my life doesn't hinge on when they come out. It's true that the site is often lacking updates on these titles, but I wouldn't bother providing updates to some of these vulgar jerks either.
Despite the pathetic (and ridiculously angry) postings that often appear from commenters on this blog, I recognize that Code Red is a unique and vital company, truly the missing link between the VHS era and the digital age. Like a lot of people I'm alwaus curious to see what they will release next and will continue to support them.
It takes a true hypocrite to proclaim that a busy, independent DVD producer lacks the "cajones" to provide updates on the one or two titles they are personally interested in, while remaining anonymous themselves.
Personally I'm thrilled to see TERMINAL ISLAND is getting a proper DVD release. Stephanie Rothman's output is sadly under represented on current media and TERMINAL is a highly entertaining B movie gem. Phyllis Davis and Barbara Leigh? Yowza!
I just want to go on the record and say I'm a big supporter of this company. I'm still flying high about THE STRANGENESS having gotten released. Yeah, I know that was a year ago, but it still blows my mind that they found it and gave it the treatment it deserved. Never heard of RITUALS, but after doing some IMDB.com research on it, I'm looking forward to seeing it. Keep up the good work, Code Red.
Why you don't block the anonymous posting? Reading those no life idiots whining about a film is quite annoying and repetitive. The blog would sure be a better read without them.
By the way good job this year guy! I've ordered or pre-ordered most of your title this year.
Been waiting for TERMINAL ISLAND for years! Thanks for putting this out, guys!
You guys rock, don't let the haters get you down!
More fantastic news!!! Thanks!! The complainers on this blog need to get a life...
Awesome news! You guys rock, own every single release and will continue to purchase every upcoming release. And for the haters, get a life, what's up with this mentally ill obsession with "Nightmare?" It's just an "okay" film, nothing essential, jeez.
@Anonymous 10:46
NIGHTMARE is a masterpiece, an unheralded, grotesquely underrated one. Wait until the uncut dvd comes out. You'll see how it is put together, the editing and juxtapositions are superb, highly intelligent. The angles, shots, choices as such and how they are structured is very unique and thought was put into it relative to the story's content. It is not merely empty style as so many films are. Atop that, what is achieved in this film for a shoestring budget make it all the more remarkable. It's vastly more than just "okay".
oh wow, 1:26pm!!!! You seriously must be joking. Hey, I absolutely love NIGHTMARE, but any person trying to convince anyone that it's a masterpiece or some supreme work of art is seriously delusional. Hilarious!!!
@anonymous 7:11pm
What is and is not a work of "art" (a shitty word which I did not use) is purely subjective. I possess a vast, evolutive intellect and an extremely high i.q. and documents attesting to such, for whatever that is worth....My opinion of NIGHTMARE stands, for what the film is, it is exceptional and unique on a variety of levels lost to many a one-dimensional and simplistic perception....but it is still only a stupid film, and like ALL films and works of 'art', essentially tactile, soulless, impotent, pretentious, ....worthless.....NIGHTMARE asserts no strident pretense as many purported "cult" films do, however, despite it being far superior to them.....
Anon 7:11
Scavolini all but credits Nightmare for curing cancer in his Spaghetti Nightmares interview, so I would have to say that there is definitely some pretense attached to the film.
I don't have the SN book with me at the moment, but I'll try and take a look at it at some point to get some more specific quotes from the writer/director.
Scavolini's words are full of pretense, assuredly, not only regarding NIGHTMARE, he is an exceptionally intelligent film maker, though, unlike many others. I also feel NIGHTMARE's exceptional qualities are in part due to the fact that Scavolini never specialized in any specific style.
What I meant was that this "pretense' we are bandying around is NOT really evident at all within the film itself, its style, flow, content, atmosphere, writing, etc. I was not referring to Scavolini personally!
p.s. This thread is also supposed to be about TERMINAL ISLAND, too, sorry for my contributions towards this deviation, although I am not the one who incited it. If people want to have film theory 101 dialectics regarding NIGHTMARE, we should carry them over to the NIGHTMARE thread or set up our own blog or exchange personal e-mails...lol...
Glad to see TERMINAL ISLAND on the roster, although it is unfortunate that it is not a superior Stephanie Rothman film, as this is not really one of her best, perhaps CODE RED will secure the rights to others in future?
Will this release of Terminal Island be cut or uncut?
I think one of Code Red's first rules for any of their releases is that it's an uncut print, so I don't think you have anything to worry about.
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