Cover B

Cover C

Here is your chance to pick your favorite cover for the October Release of the unreleased Joe Spinell film THE UNDERTAKER (aka DEATH MERCHANT). Here are the 3 covers, just post on this blog which one you prefer, A, B or C, and the one with the most votes will be it! Hurry, you have until Thursday 7/8 at 9 PM Pacific to vote, so vote now!
cover C!
Cover C for sure.
Definitely C!
C, easily.
Cover A is okay, the closeup image reminds me of the old Continental big box VHS.
Cover B is the worst, its good contextually but looks too much like a random screen grab, with Spinell's mouth open mid-dialogue.
Cover C is the best, it has a visual symmetry and Spinell's eyes allude to his misdeeds.
I vote for C. 2010 is the year of Code Red it seems.
Cover A
Cover C for me!
Cover C
I'm definitely looking forward to this release.
Goin' with C, here.
Anything but B! B looks cheap and bad.
But that said...if I had to choose, go with...
Wait! I take it back, uh...
Cover C. The black background works more with the mood. Yeah, definitely C.
I like "A" the best!
I choose C.
I'm gonna go with cover c.
Cover C!
Cover A! More Spinell is ALWAYS a good thing.
Cover C.
cover C!
Definitely C. No doubt about it!
Have to go with C
I vote C!
great news Code Red, lovin' all this new info and updates. Briliant! Can't wait to get The Undertaker. Defo cover C.
C please
Cover C
Cover C looks the best.
I love "B"
Cover C please.
cover c
I figured this movie would never get a legit release. Until I saw this post, I had forgotten about this movie.
Also, I vote for Cover C.
C for me.
Cover C
Cover C is terrific!
Cover C!
C for sure
Cover A for me please
Release date: Oct 2015
I would go with C but get rid of all that text on the top.
Let me just say that I always enjoy your releases and avidly order them online through eBay and Amazon.com (I got SLITHIS and loved it, especially with what's going on right now, and I've pre-ordered MADMAN); I look forward to the release of NIGHTMARE and know all the wait will be worthwhile. We could all use some more Joe Spinell movies; I vote for Cover C and look forward to THE UNDERTAKER as well. Keep up the good work Code Red and I continue to support you guys.
Cover C works for me.
Cover C works for me.
Yes, cover C!
Cover C for the win!
C! C! C! C! C! C! C! C!!!!!!!!!!!
If these are the only choices, *COVER A* will be my vote.
Cover C
I would say "C"; however- I think it's about time covers get away from the "Grindhouse" faked-distressed look. Looking for ward to the release, though!
C could be any movie ever.
A is creepy.
cover A by far. cover C is horrible.
A is the best & sleaziest
C, seƱor!
My vote is for cover C...
How can anyone say anything but A?
Cover A
Why are people still voting. The poll closed on 7/8. Duh.
It looks like C is the winner based on the valid votes. :)
Cover C by far
As long as CR keeps approving the votes, I'd take their deadline with a grain of salt. Don't you have a glitch to go find?
Cover A without the grindhouse style would be awesome. Can't wait for this!
I have a dvd with some clips from Maniac 2 which looked fucking amazing. It's a shame that it was never finished.
Cover C, all the way!
Cover C. B is the worst!
hmm, go with C, thats the best one! If not that- then A! Cannot wait to get this in my collection!
Cover A. Something feels very sleazy about it.
Cover A. Something feels very sleazy about it.
Cover A. Something feels very sleazy about it.
cover A of course!!! Closeup of Spinell!!
Easily C.
Donny Dartanian.
Cover A
Cover C!
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