Well, we finally arranged it! Romano Scavolini has just finished what turned out to be a 90 minute on-camera interview with journalist Paolo Zelati. Only problem is, it's in Italian, so we are trying to subtitle it and then see what to keep and what not to keep. Once this is done, we finally will be ready to release the DVD of NIGHTMARE! But it all depends on when we get to subtitle it. If anybody who understands Italian who wants to volunteer, please let us know. Stay tuned.
Is this a slasher?????
--- just kidding!
LOL Good job!!! Translations often omit much, are often VERY bad...SO many subtitled films are totally screwed up!!! Take your time!!!! Get this translation done RIGHT!!!!!!!!
This is GREAT news!!! I'm very excited for its release!!! Way to go Code Red!!!
This is probably the most anticipated horror DVD release in history (next to the up and coming UNCUT My Bloody Valentine, of course).
I can't wait, Code Red. You have me on pins and needles here lol.
Really and TRULY unfortunate that you could not do a Scavolini audio commentary but this is the next best thing (BOTH would have been the ideal ultimate, however, maybe thee is still time to do this??!!!) :)
Thanks, Code Red!!!
p.s. Comment before me mentions a restored MY BLOODY VALENTINE!!!?? Is this REALLY being done??!! I am unaware of this. Did someone at Paramount die and leave things in the hands of a cinematically sympathetic and empathetic figure?? lol......
"p.s. Comment before me mentions a restored MY BLOODY VALENTINE!!!?? Is this REALLY being done??!! I am unaware of this. Did someone at Paramount die and leave things in the hands of a cinematically sympathetic and empathetic figure??"
Lionsgate bought the rights to the original to make the upcoming 3-D remake and yes an uncut Special Edition DVD of the original is coming in January '09...
I say leave the 90 minute interview on the DVD in it's entirety! I know it will be a lot of work, but we have waited this long, so why not a little longer? I mean, what other special features would be on there anyhow?
Looks like you are releasing Night Call Nurses, The Centerfold Girls and Rituals (1977) (FINALLY we get a release!0......I look forward to seeing all your great movies thought forgotten on your awesome label!
Great news! Hopefully at least 30 minutes of this interview will remain - Romano has lots of great stories to tell about this film!!
Thank you, Code Red, for listening to what the fans wanted and doing your best to make this a fantastic release.
-Ian Zapczynski
Hurry up---my VHS copy is screaming for mercy!!!!
Most professionally done interviews shot for DVD releases tend to skillfully edit down extraneous information given by the interviewee and (most) of the normal "uhh"s and pregnant pauses throughout the interview. This is done to make the interview more interesting and make the interviewee seem less scatter-brained (like most people would be). Unless the interviewee is extremely on-target and responsive 100% of the time.
We want the whole interview, warts and all. It just conveys that this person is human like the rest of us.
Yes, I agree...We, the fans who love NIGHTMARE and will spend our hard earned money on this dvd want the WHOLE interview.....Who's to decide what is relevant, irrelevant, important, boring, fascinating, etc.??!! Aren't these things subjective?
***By the way, you people, the ones making often vulgar and insulting reactionary backlash statements defending this company's right to do whatever the hell they want are really offensive and you guys are WORSE than any "trolls" you seem so fond of finger-pointing at...lol...and if you had your own lives (of the type you accuse others of "not" having), the one or two of you who always do would not constantly, diligently post the rebuttals appearing on a daily basis here....You are the "yes" men, the bend over and fuck me any which way you so please to types that make the world the diseased, corporate and world bank poisoned and dominated, passive, apathetic place it is......hahaha.....As you see the world, everyone should just be grateful for whatever they are given and should not question, offer criticism of any kind (even constructive), have no say, take no part in anything, just bend over and accept the penetration of whatever crumbs are bestowed.....lol!!!! Well, fuck you, lead your own lives this way, ENJOY!!!***
Scavolini is hardly a moron and I am sure he can blather on for 90 minutes and the fans of the film will be fascinated by or at least appreciate that CODE RED allowed them the opportunity to hear the man speak for so long about so much, FEW if ANY other companies would allow such an outlet but SHOULD!!! I hope CODE RED continue with their self-appointed rebellious, edgy, and iconoclastic energy and put the ENTIRE Scavolini interview on what will hopefully be a two disc set...? :)
I also hope very much that the original Scavolini screenplay, which Baird Stafford provided for you, the one Lee Christian spoke about as being so fascinating in its detail as well as differentiation from the finished film, ends up on the dvd as well! Please put this script on the dvd as a dvd-rom track, etc.!!!!
We have all fought hard for NIGHTMARE, been chomping at the bit, waiting forever for it....Now that it is finally happening let's do it in the grandest style possible!!!! It only makes sense and this is what all of its real fans want.
Thanks again, CODE RED, for restoring NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!
What I'm most interested in is which Savini story Scavolini will be using this time around, if prompted to provide one.
I don't know if Scavolini is a moron, but he certainly has no problem eating up any fawning hogwash about his tawdry little flick, Nightmare. Hopefully, the interviewer didn't follow the pattern of the writers of Spaghetti Nightmares, and actually put some real questions to him instead of just licking his balls.
Either way, this is an eagerly anticipated DVD. I can forgive 90 minutes of pomposity (which will no doubt contain some truly interesting passages) since Nightmare is getting the DVD treatment it deserves.
From the tone of the previous post, it looks like Steven has found the internet again!
Yes, I am back, Delicreep, thanks for never responding to my thoughtful message a long time ago....
Savini is basically a egomaniacal scumbag, a million times worse ego-wise than Scavolini could be, and he's very stupid, too....he had child custody as well as abuse issues which prevented him from being able to legally work outside of certain parameters that affected his being able to or not be able to admit involvement with NIGHTMARE sequences taking place/shot in in Florida.....
"Delicreep" is a real genuine fungus, has appallingly rotten taste as well.....That's why he asserts enthusiasm, yet concurrent disdain for NIGHTMARE....Sure, Scavolini is pretentious, does his ability and intellect warrant such an ego? Does it within anyone? He's the first to admit that ultimately NIGHTMARE is nothing more than a horror film designed to generate exploitative shocks, he felt as though he pushed the envelope at the time (not being an expert in horror films nor well versed within them must be taken into account) but I much prefer NIGHTMARE to garbage like THE SHINING made by some pompous "auteur" also not versed within and probably condescending towards "horror"....NIGHTMARE is far superior to most of the films it is compared to on many levels (such as completely stupid, worthless, and not very shocking junk as parasite Bill Lustig's MANIAC) precisely for the reasons it is often criticized by its detractors for, they just don't get it...The only great films are ones such as Thierry Zeno's DES MORTS and the documentaries of the Castiglione brothers...haha....Is NIGHTMARE a perfect film, hardly!! But what films are? Films are the most flawed and misshapen and goof-ridden types of art imaginable....ALL of them........
Incidentally, I disagree with delicreep regarding the SPAGHETTI NIGHTMARES interview, I think he should read it again. The context is hardly as cocksucking as it often is on these forums for this company...haha....The interviewers play devil's advocate several times to incite Scavolini to explain aspects of the film that were criticized, such as when they are critical of/call attention to the parallels between plot elements of NIGHTMARE and HALLOWEEN and Scavolini explains how, with much intelligence, on the surface these elements seem to resemble one another but, in actuality, all of the similarities are inverted and completely different within their substance and depth of meaning and extension in NIGHTMARE....
I admit, and it is humorous, sometimes Scavolni's ego results in comments that make it sound as though he made a proverbial CITIZEN KANE...lol....!
But it is this potential factor which makes the entirety of a 90 minute interview so fascinating, it's a lot of insight into the psychology of the director, even if he puts his foot in his mouth and make a pompous ass out of himself in any way (all subjectively assayed though, what is "pompous" and "asinine" and what is the opposite?) I think its inclusion is entertaining and necessary....At least he hopefully has things to say for 90 minutes...Have you ever heard any commentary tracks of abysmal and awkward EMPTINESS and completely DEAD space....lol...Just listen to the MANIAC dvd commentary, Lustig, Savini, and, I forgot who else, the co-writer? Long awkward silences, atrociously banal and one-dimensional comments and information...Miserable and depressing...LOL......But STILL entertaining!!!
I recognize Nightmare for what it is: a simple slasher. That Scavolini believes, or can be prompted to believe, that there is any real depth to his picture doesn't mean much. What you call disdain is simply me seeing (and accepting) Nightmare as is. I hold no contempt for the film or the people who enjoy it (as I am one of the latter).
Nightmare is better than a number of more popular or well-regarded slashers. I'll take it over any of the F13 flicks, for instance. Nightmare might be exploitative and trashy (two traits that are not undesirable, obviously), but at least it wasn't formulated and created by people with obvious contempt for their audience.
If I'm going to be called a fungus, than I am going to insist on choosing the type. Maybe boletus edulis, tuber melanosporum, or maybe even the wonderful concoction of wild organisms that work together to create Rodenbach Belgian ale.
Anyway, I'm sure this discussion will continue...
This is so perfect. Everyone on here that throws a hissy-fit, (aside from that Steve pussy) has the grammatical skills of a toddler.
For those that think Code Red should edit this blog and get rid of the troll(s): Why bother? Anyone with half a brain just needs to take a quick glance at these posts to realize who the inbreds are...
I have been very patient with this dvd release, and that interview is just seriously a giant tease. I really hope someone translates that, and we get this gem back into the world. Myself and anyone else who has either seen this movie on VHS, a bootlegged dvr or the horrid cut version "Nightmare in a Damaged Brain," can agree with me. Lets get the ball rolling on this project :-).
so just wondering, have you gotten the subtitles? And please, what is the full list of Special features?
Has anyone volunteered to do the translation yet?? :) -IZ
About this god damn interview with the director,I think CODE RED will take the most important statements from Scavolini. In my opinion, the transfer is going to be nice, due to the serious selection of the best existing 35 mm sources. Why don't you folks just keep your mind on the movie and wait for it's special features, which will sure contain enough information about your curioristy regarding this effective splatter cult ?
When is this pile of shit being released for christ sake?
Will be overjoyed about this one, when if finally comes out - this is my holy grail!
However, before CR involved Scavolini in the project - suspect they hunted him down to calm the controversy - I independantly comfirmed myself, with Romano directly, that the US 90min VHS edit is exactly that - an edit - and has some clumsy cuts in dialogue scenes such as the beach 'boy who cried wolf' scene which goes on longer with CJ asking Bob if he will be his father. Also Romano confirmed to me that the night scene of John L Watkins visiting Paul's office and reading the Tatum file should be left in. It was common in the VHS era for US distributors to hack films down to 90mins for home/rental video... and in Nightmare it is the dialogue & contextual scenes that lost out. Somewhat controversially though Romano did suggest that he intended the film for a 1.85:1 matt, and that the Kunst Video VCD print I have is correctly formatted being in that ratio - you can see the decapitated stump with groping hand just fine, and Tara Alexander too... I guess that particular argument will never be satisfactorally resolved though, and I shall just be glad to see it as near pristine as possible - hopefully with the crude dialogue cuts restored properly.
Hey CODE RED.. Seriously when the hell are you guys gonna release this film!! The fans wanna know. I wanna know.. The whole Fuckin world wants to know!! Quit releasing crap (that wont sell) like "Night Of The Dribbler" and "Stunt Rock" and get the ball rolling on some shit that will solidify your name as a distribution company with some class!! I've beena die hard fan and i've bought every release wholesale (i've bought over 100 copies of the 1st ten releases alone.) but PLEASE POST SOMETHING NEW ON THIS RELEASE!! Word on several forums is that you guys dont have the rights to the film (and a buncha other shit) and the longer we wait the more people start to believe the gossip...
im not talking shit.. Far from it.. Honesty is integrity and constructive critisism is pure gold to any business.. But anyways, lets see a post on this shit before AUGUST (At least) with an update..
Your die hard and Loyal fan..
Mark G Grizzly
I am sick and tired of waiting for this film. The moment I first saw Nightmare I fell in love with it. CODE RED dammit release the DVD. Quit stalling dod gammit!
Uh....any news on this yet?
I say "screw the interview" and release the damn movie already!
Is Nightmare ever getting released?
With the cancelled Rituals in favour of highly anticipated titles such as The Statue and Slithis is there any hope for Nightmare on DVD....
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