Here is RUNNING HOT (aka LUCKY 13) which we are scheduling for February 24th.

Here is a screenshot from STUNT ROCK, which we are scheduling for March 31th. We did the telecine from the recently discovered negatives, in aspect ratio of 2:35 in 16x9. The Aussie DVD will be using our transfer for their upcoming release, but our DVD will have more extras with Brian Trenchard-Smith involved in the DVD production of our release, so hopefully this make the U.S. STUNT ROCK fans happy and await until March 31st.

These shots are from PETS. Since the negatives no longer exist, this was the best print we were able to find. Despite having some big green lines and skips, we hope you approve of us using the only good 35mm element left on this title, and to avoid using an old full frame 3/4 inch tape from 1984. The print isn't perfect, but it looks good with great colors. We hope to have it out before June.

DERBY should be out in February 17, and TEENAGE HITCHHIKERS should be out on March 24th, with TRAPPED should be out in April as well as JIM MARKOVIC'S 42ND STREET TRAILER CLASSIC. We will be speaking with Cliff MacMillan to finalize the street dates in the next couple of days on some of the others! There will also be some more surprises and dates on some previously announced titles so stay tuned!
Three cheers for Pets and Code Red!
Pets looks like fun. And Running Hot with Juliette Cummins in it for a moment. :)
Off topic: Have you guys thought about the film "Stage Fright", aka, "Nightmares", an Australian slasher from 1980? It's long lost. :(
And congrats on getting a 2.35:1 release!
Are these slashers?
Stunt Rock!
Wow. I've wanted to see this since I first saw the trailer years ago.
Dario Bava/Slasher/all your other aliases. You seriously have a LOT of time on your hands. Do you spend ALL your time in your mom's basement? I think it's GREAT that they aren't releasing what you want. I hope it tortures you to the point of desperate madness.
Slit your wrists.
Yay, I've been hoping to see Pets on DVD for years; better a copy from a damaged print than a lousy tape :).
I'll have to take a look at those other movies too, the screenshots look interesting.
I don't know what dario bava's problem is, but slasher films is just one part of your b-movie diet. Why doesn't he/she indulge in other b-movie delights?
At least I don't go around writing posts that emphasize one certain genre of film I want released or else I want the company to go out of business.
Nobody is listening to you, dario. Go do your trolling someplace else and leave this blog for people who love these films for what they are.
Hmmm, Code Red's DVDs: it at least watchable, but by no means anything that I would agree to pay for again.
We had the BEYOND THE DOOR DVD that came with commentary, trailer, and interviews. She referred to the style of the commentaries as "marshmallows," when she listened to them. I told her that it's because they aren't done with flare and that's what nasty ones sound like. Labels like Troma used to make good DVD's. Just this Christmas we watched them for our dinner gathering. Nothing beats good DVD.
We got the SOLE SURVIVOR DVD too and it was flavorful, but the film looked like it has been made with processed cheese. This makes me sad. It also is irritating that I could have spend double the amount of money Code Red DVD cost us, and see a completely amazing DVD feast from Synapse and Dark Sky.
And you are so obviously from one of those labels. You know something? I think it's hilarious that you guys come on here and try to boast your own companies whilst trying to put Code Red down. It shows that they're giving you a run for your money. I hope they blow you out of the water to the point where you're so poor that you have to sell your children into prostitution.
LOL awwww struck a raw nerve, have we? Sweat it out, princess. Sweat it out.
Cute...real cute. I don't think this person thought through their idea. Why would the few Code Red employees take time out of, possibly (?) busy schedules to write on a board defending themselves? Man, this idiot needs to be...well, he said it best...chambered.
Moving on...(uh!)
"Labels like Troma used to make good DVD's."
Troma has always made lackluster DVDs. Poor interlaced, non-anamorphic transfers seemingly thrown on the disc along with whatever audio elements that they can find.
Their DVDs also seem more designed to promote Troma to the hilt, not the films themselves with the dumbest supplemental material possible revolving around the studio (Troma)...did I mention Troma yet?
Not to mention they pissed all over Dario Argento with lies regarding the U.S. distribution of The Stendhal Syndrome.
Keep up the great work Code Red! Don't abandon your roots like Anchor Bay. There's a ton of gems yet to arrive on DVD...
Synapse is not simply repackaging old Elite titles. While certain extras have been ported, their updated DVD's all have new anamorphic transfers.
delicreep, are you sure about that? The only one of the Elite discs that was non-anamorphic was "PATRICK", I believe. All the others were anamorphic and I haven't read any reviews that indicate that the Synapse "upgrades" are any better than the Elite ones, except for "PATRICK". And if they did new new anamorphic transfers that look better than the old Elite anamorphic transfers, I can't imagine any of them looking that much better to make it worth double-dipping. I also don't think any of these reissues have any new extras - it's all just the exact same stuff ported over from Elite.
Hey, it's all good that titles are staying or coming back in-print, but I don't think any of those Elite discs were ever hard to find so reissues when the market is already flooded with new/used copies sounds more like desperation, or just having nothing else to put out. Code Red's release slate is a MILLION times more exciting than any other genre label out there at this moment.
Those lame titles, Patrick etc. didnt even sell for Elite. Shitnapse will release anything now.. Codered, mondo macabro, severin and a few others still have there head on straight. Give me new fresh product,thats all I ask.
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, all.
Just popped in to respond about the Synapse titles. You're correct that they are ports, with only Patrick needing the anamorphic upgrade. I made the assumption that Synapse had prepared new transfers.
Not that I mind the re-releases since I missed the Elite titles when they first came out. If they're still readily available, then I can choose which covers I like better. So, there's that...
Synapse is one of my favorite labels. Code Red edges them out by having a slate with more DVD's that interest me, but Synapse isn't far behind.
Some person said...
I do have a life, and I'm one of the highest paid employees in the department I am in at work. So basicly, your assumption is not entirely correct so you can just go blow, but not before you negotiate offers with strangers so you can perform the proper blowing action.
Oh, yes, TROMA. Yes, they had a great following and were wonderful, back in the day. But the video revolution was a double edged sword. Yes, it helped get TROMA noticed with the B-Movie loving public, but it also, in some cases, also help close down the one-screen movie houses where TROMA films usually played.
Now, I wouldn't mind if TROMA put out more new material, at least more than, as it seems like, once a year.
Other companies, do have a decent release schedule. Anchor Bay just seems like they are releasing "safe" material, as I have said before. Where are the nasty's at? Not at Anchor Bay after STARZ Media bought them..
Well, anyways, that's may opinion, other's may vary......
Looks good. But this looks like it's interlaced as you can see the comb effect on the one screen cap with the big green line.
Does it cost more to do it in progressive scan?
RUNNING HOT...good flick, and scream queen Juliette Cummins first movie appearance!
To the Anonymous poster regarding STAGE FRIGHT (1980) - I actually just watched it recently, luckily I had found a copy at (*shudders*) a flea market! Not a very good movie but my reasoning for viewing is the lead American actress Jenny Neumann - also seen to better advantage in MISTRESS OF THE APES, SWIM TEAM and HELL NIGHT.
~ Dave
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