CODE RED DVD has acquired the North American rights to the cult classic SAVAGE STREETS starring cult icon Linda Blair. After her sister (Linnea Quigley) was gang raped by crazed gang members, Linda Blair goes into vengeance-action mode in this gritty 80's classic. The release will feature a brand new 2011 HD transfer that will make its debut only here in the USA. Extras will be ported over from the previous BCI disc, and it will include some other extras that didn't make it the first time around. This DVD will also feature the complete controversial uncensored commentary track - the track on the BCI edition had been edited for various reasons. And it will be progessively scanned, unlike the previous release. The streets will become savage again very soon! Check the Code Red website for updates and additional news.
Fantastic news! Now I don't have to shell out for the OOP disc. Definite preorder.
Fantastic news!
A Blu-Ray release of Savage Streets would be great... :)
Wow, amazing news! A DVD/Bluray combo, please :)
As always... an HD trasfer without a blu-ray release
Springheeljack -- you mean like an overwhelming majority of dvd releases?
Nigel -- the master Arrow is using is in standard def, therefore won't look as good as CR's. Grow up.
Comparing to the new Arrow screens this is a stepdown. Been hearing about Bill´s comments on forums that Arrow´s release was using a new conversion based on the old master but their screens show more definition. I´m starting to think that Arrow´s using a real HD master.
No screen shots from the Arrow disc are even available, not even at Cult Labs. So, give it up.
Not to mention Arrow reps have stated they aren't using a HD transfer, again over at Cult Labs.
Yes, you can bet Arrow is using a brand new HD master that will blow away BCI's old release, Code Red is probably using the old master that Jef Films used.
Great news! I've been waiting for someone to put this back out. Thanks, Code Red!
Another vote for Blu-ray!
Springja...err, I mean Demon...ooops I mean Anonymous 7:45pm- what is your beef with Code Red? Your vendetta/competitor fueled posts have zero credibility. Just wanted to let you know that it's obvious. Keep up the great work on all the mysterious projects that bring such joy to the dvd community. :)
The pictures posted are a great upgrade from the original version... one thing I noticed is that there´s little less information on all sides, but very little.
Interested in getting Code Red's release of Savage Streets. Also interested in Arrow Video's release.
- WaveCrest.
Great news! Code Red does it again! I hope Savage Streets makes it to blu-ray!
Cool news! But since I already own it, Savage Streets I would only buy on blu-ray.
LorriLives... don´t know what the heck you´re talking about... I don´t have problems posting under my user, as I´ve always done whenever I post something... I´ve never used any Demon username, not anonymous for the matter. This a public computer so don´t assume nothing you´re not sure.
Springheeljack, it is blatantly obvious that you are currently posting under the username DEMONI over at horrordigital.com, all one has to do is take a cursory glance at the writing style, and details that you enter in your posts and compare. I could really care less, just pointing this out to people.
The fact that you signed in to post about how you're not anonymous kind of makes you look more like anonymous.
I also already own this film. The only DVD's I double-dip on are old 4x3 letterboxed discs that are redone in 16x9 anamorphic, which offer far better PQ, due to not having to 'zoom' with a 16x9 HDTV, but that is not the case with
the original CR release of this title. For me to rebuy SAVAGE STREETS, it would have to be offered in 1080P on Blu-ray Disc.
That said, I'd prefer that Code Red concentrate on bringing NEW titles to the market, rather than upgrading older releases... Blu-rays are cool but if you are going to offer something on BD, I'd rather it be a different title, rather than a rerun and that goes double for DVD.
even tho the old disc isn't progressive it is quote a "high definition anamorphic transfer from the negative" plus it looks like it has more picture info on all four sides i can't see myself replacing the original dvd with this new one unless you do a blue-ray
Excellent news! Definitely be picking it up. 2011 is looking like a great year for DVD!
i think anonymous 7:45 pm is chrismac87 aka evilzombie20 aka chris macgibbon taunton massachusettes
has a grudge ever since the video dead never got released through code red
(Mario Bianchi, 1988)
why not scoop up the american rights to this weird slasher and make a quick buck.
Great news, i will upgrade my other version, when i read the reviews.
I also already own the original BCI DVD, but this is great for all consumers. The original BCI disk was not available very long and then prices soared, so not everyone had a chance to pick it up the first time. If there are additional extras and a better transfer then other consumers would definitely double dip. I know I will pick it up again. I thought that code red was involved in the original BCI release since the cover was listed as being for sale on Code Red's old website? Maybe they didn't own the full rights; either way go Code Red!
Will this new release of SAVAGE STS be in Stereo ? or the original ''mono track '' like the last issue was ???
Savage Streets is coming Back. Yeah Right! Don't believe it ecspecially if Code Red says it. I'm still waiting for my copy of "The Last Chase" The person who runs Code Red gets upset when you email him about delays on the date of his DVD releases and doesn't return emails at all.
Hey all, so a friend of mine told me there was a comment on here about me I should take notice to. One concerning me having some sort of a grudge with Code Red about not releasing The Video Dead? Yeah, I'm THAT guy. Well, I have to say that while I'd like to take credit for having a grudge that could manage to sustain itself for almost two years now, I am sorry, but it's simply not true. Yes, I don't entirely agree with the owner of Code Red ranting about how poor his sales are or how badly off he is and what not, yes I am known to comment from time to time and point out the obvious flaws in some of the things Code Red does. But do I hold any grudges or have any ill feelings towards the company??? Certainly not. Code Red never had any way to get The Video Dead, so let me just clear that up right now, and if they did - I'm sure they would have and probably would have done a decent job on the release, but it belongs to a major studio who at the time of this writing has done very little with it, but I digress. I also don't have the time to troll Code Red's blog and pick apart everything they do, it's just not something I make it a point to do. If I come across something on a message board and I don't agree or feel the need to offer my two cents, I do, not just with Code Red but with anyone. So um, sorry to disappoint you guys but I guess the mystery will continue on the post - that is now removed, so I can't even see what I'm being accused of saying - that anonymous posted at 7:45. Sorry guys. Good luck on your search though!
Cool thats it's coming out again, but it's going to be hard to beat the BCI release. It was a great package. I'll pass on this re-release, but if it was a blu-ray then I'd buy it in a heart beat.
I was just wondering when we might be seeing this release? This news is over a year old, I am really hoping this comes out soon. I can't wait!!!!!!!!
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