Friday, July 3, 2009
New street dates for CHOKE CANYON and DRIBBLER - plus MESSIAH OF EVIL for September
CHOKE CANYON will now street on 9/1, and NIGHT OF THE DRIBBLER will now be out on 9/8. September will also see our much-anticipated release of MESSIAH OF EVIL: THE SECOND COMING which will street on 9/22. We hope you support us and buy these rare gems! Thanks!

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I might get Messiah of Evil. I've supported many Code Red releases, but these are not high on my wishlist. I will, however, be first in line when Code Red releases the following:
Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker
Silent Scream
The Mutilator
Come on, Code Red, let's have some street dates for those! ;)
Thank Code Red - Pleeeeeeease dont cancel the street date for Dribbler again I want it lol!
i'm especially excited to finally see MESSIAH in widescreen. all those full-frame transfers really chopped off half the screen.
will probably buy DRIBBLER as well - it looks goofy enough.
CHOKE CANYON - i'm not really into action stuff like this but will read reviews and see if it may be something i could like.
keep 'em coming!
Now we just need a release date for "Power Play"? Glad to see "Choke Canyon" is getting released.
So is Dribbler going to make its way for preorder now that its new date had ben announced?
Hey guys, sorry to be the broken record here but where are the street dates for all of your upcoming stock? It's so frustrating to not have more info about your great acquisitions like Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker and The Mutilator. WE WANT THESE MOVIES but you need to keep us informed.
Not only is it frustrating but it makes you appear unprofessional or simply thoughtless. If you no longer have the titles or the funds to put them out, fine, but just say so and put all these waiting people out of their misery.
I for one hope we can see these films under your label but if it's not going to happen just put a notice in the NEWS blog. This mess needs to be cleared up so all these abusive and childish posts stop going up. Let's just get the facts.
Thanks Cameron
Nice to see "Choke Canyon" back on track!
Hopefully Power Play is not too far away....
Will probably pick up "Messiah Of Evil" as well
all i care about is NIGHTMARE is that coming this halloween on dvd
Can we have te Dribbler trailer please Codered? :-)
Thisis a link to an article of mine for Reviewfix.com that details any upcoming B-Movie News.
Thanks for the update. For me MESSIAH is one of the most anticipated DVD releases ever!
Is it NIGHTMARE or NIGHTMARES people want??? Because I forgot to buy the Anchor Bay dvd of NIGHTMARES, so someone please release it again! Universal are you listining? As for the other film, it's a shitty cheap horror film.
Please get Dribbler up for preorder Code red - I dont want it to be pushed back for lack of pre-book - I promise to preorder copys for me and my friends! :-)
MESSIAH OF EVIL is my most wanted DVD. Can't wait until 9/22. Please don't cancel releasing this title. It has a large cult following and that is very unhappy with its prior DVD releases!
Cannot wait for MESSIAH OF EVIL. This is truly fantastic news. As soon as it's up for pre-order, I'll be placing an order for mine! And those who haven't seen this film, trust me, it's as atmospheric as '70s horror films get.
yeah but what about Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker?? Why is it so hard to get a response on this?! Is it getting a release or not?
Thanks Anonymous July 12, 2009 5:19 AM
I will now be buying this film as per your recomendation :-)
Code red, will this be out for preorder soon as I would like to buy it.
Great news Code Red! I'll be picking up Dribbler and Messiah for sure! (especially Messiah)
I really want to see the Night Warning DVD you guys are putting together as well. Good luck!
yes, we ALL want to see the Night Warning/Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker DVD but it looks like pigs may well be flying and hell could indeed freeze over before we hear any news on that front. Get it together guys.
Whatever happened to TEENAGE HITCHHIKERS?
Give us a Messiah and Dribbler preorder - me wants to spend some money!
I will definitely pre-order Messiah when it is available!
Good news, Amazon now has Messiah up for preorder! But what about Dribbler? Its out two weeks earlier so we need to be able to preorder to support Code Red!
I have ordered The Strangeness, Messiah and Weekend Murders so far and need to add Dribbler to the list.
Fantastic news about the Messiah of Evil 35th Anniversary Edition....I will definitely be picking it up on day of release (and giving it as a Christmas present to a few like-minded horror fans, as well). Thanks for all of your hard work and commitment to bringing out such great films. I for one would much rather devote my energy towards supporting what you've done rather than bitch about what you haven't put able to release yet, as some others have done here. People seem to think that re-issuing a DVD involves flipping a switch somewhere and that's that...it takes time, legal wrangles and many, many people to bring these lost films back to audiences again. You guys are doing a great job...keep it goin'.
Agreed with man above me. You are all doing a phenomenal job, and personally, rank in my top 3 horror and cult distribution labels of this time. Wonderful. Rescuing Weekend Murders from obscurity is my kudos to you, because so very little number of people have seen it. What a blessing! And in 2.35 as well. Never thought I'd see the day it'd get rereleased.
How about a release date on The Farmer? When in the world is CODE RED going to release it?! It's been three years since they announced it and still no street date. Eager as can be.
Wow I saw Zombie Nightmare on VHS last night - bad, bad bad movie but so much fun!
Any news on Dribbler preorder? Directed by the same guy so hopefully it will be a better movie but just as silly - judging by the look of the killer it will be :-)
Dribbler MSRP is now 9.95 apparently! Will definatley buy 5 copies for me and friends then! Need a preorder now!
I want the dvd of nightmares. Bring us more Lance Hernriksen movies!
Count me in on Messiah of Evil as well, very awesome! I wont complain about Night Warning, still looking forward to it but the prospect and anticipation of its release are almost as good as getting the DVD itself =D
Will Night of the Dribbler be out for preordes this week?
Also any news on power plays new date?
Im lookin foward to receiving my copies of 'weekend murder' and 'strangeness' verrrry soon :-)
Dribbler preorder!
Not sure how legit the site is but there you go! :-)
Apologies, epic fail at trying to make the link clickable above!!
don't worry mate, I think the 'epic fail' goes to Code Red..can they become ANY LESS reliable as an (alleged) distribution company.
This absurd waiting game for titles like Nightmares, the Mutilator and the brilliant Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker is a total farce.
NIGHT OF THE DRIBBLER is finally up for preorder at Amazon. I went ahead and ordered a copy. Yeah, I know I worked on the darned thing, but it's good karma to put my money where my mouth is, metaphorically speaking.
Yay! Going to order a few copies as my friends have similar bizarre movie tastes! :-)
It's nearly weekend murders and strangeness time woohoo!
It's so annoying reading so much complaining on other forums about the price of NOTD! If I remember correctly your website always quoted the price at being round $22 frm back when the original releasedate was 14th July. It was DVDaf that stated otherwise. I hope you will be releasing the title regardless OF all of the complainers? - some of us are happy to pay what I think is fair price for such a rare movie!
Hey Guys, are you gonna put Messiah Dribbler and Pets up on your movies for sale page?
Keep up the great work!
Why has the release of Messiah of Evil been pushed up to October, 27th. I can't wait to have this baby in my hands!!! I hope there is nothing wrong. I Love this movie!!!!!
Hey "September 6, 2009 8:01 AM"
No need to worry. The delay was to add some more extras onto the disc. It's a good thing. :)
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