Comedy troupe CINEMA HEAD CHEESE, led by 42nd STREET FOREVER creator Jeff Dolniak and comedians Kevin Moyer and David Hayes, recorded a comedic commentary for 3 of the EXPLOITATION CINEMA titles from Navarre. You can hear them destroy DON'T GO IN THE WOODS on the double bill DVD with THE FOREST, as well as see them make mockery out of TEENAGE MOTHER on the TEENAGE GRAFFITI double bill. They are also on the upcoming SUPERARGO disc.
Check out their web site: http://www.cinemaheadcheese.com/
I agree, BAD, BAD fucking idea, this is like MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER!!!! I realize Bill Norton is not too bright (just read his imdb reviews, truly embarrassing, disturbingly disjointed, non-linear thought patterns, grammatically sub-functional, retarded!), but this is the nadir! You guys at CODE RED really want to celebrate your funeral in grandiose style it seems! Maybe it's best this way though.
I'm very happy to see this series back!! Keep it up Code Red
Who's fucking with anything? Its just a commentary. These guys are actually funny to! 2 movies for 10 bucks...yeah code red are evil .
What's the big deal? They are commentary tracks you can turn on or off. If you don't like a comedic commentary, then watch the movie without it! This is not MST3K where they force you to listen to the robots. Anonymous 2:15am is most likely a troll at another company - why else would he go into such juvenile character assassination?
I'm going to assume that all of the needless bad talk from now on appearing on this forum is from 'competition'. Hateful fans do not seem to make sense at all.
I always thought Code Red wasn't doing the greatest sales-wise, but apparently they are giving 'everyone' a run for their money. Hehe.
Even without the resserection of the "Exploitation Cinema" series ,what code red has on deck for this summer alone, is pretty solid.
They're offerings slated are a huge disappointment i light of what they promised since their inception. Titles they promised and are clearly now not going to deliver. Criticism against them has little to do with Code Red giving anyone at all "a run for their money"...lol...That's the very amusing though. Code Red deserve a little harsh criticism for their big bag of empty hot air and lack of any substantial releases backing it up. It's all subjective, but I feel that by far their most eagerly anticipated releases are the ones they fucked up and it looks now as though those will not see light of day. Hopefully they'll come through still but it looks bad. It's lame and embarrassing that representatives of this company post stuff in their own defense, as though fans really give a shit. I don't represent anyone or anything but myself.
12:46am: Why don't you spend a little more time in English class and getting your grammar in order instead of bitching endlessly about a title or two that Code Red mentioned that hasn't come out yet? You'll do better once you become a teenager if you know how to spell and put a sentence together correctly. Good luck, idiot.
Hey 12:46
You need to NOT type with your feet
Just fucking release Nightmare already. That would stop most, if not all of this bitching.
And Bill, NO. Do NOT release a bare-bones DVD of it. Just do it properly. It doesn't take that long to translate Italian. We're not buying that excuse. Just get this damn thing out and stop biting off more than you can chew.
I agree wholeheartedly with Anonymous 1:15 p.m.
Something "bad" may have happened with the prospective "Nightmare" dvd, unfortunately, I get the ill feeling it may not happen anymore?
I'd rather have crappy looking bootlegs than insulting film commentaries. I'll stay far away from these discs and any future ones like them. Or more constructively: a double feature disc with good transfers of fine cinema and some trailers and I'm happy as a pig in shit. Please leave out the derisively superfluous extras.
I got the DONT double feature. The commentary does have a few genuine laughs. Its not going to be for everybody. In the right mood..like loaded, these can be fun
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