CODE RED recorded an audio commentary & filmed on-camera interviews with John Fasano and Frank Dietz for our upcoming release of ZOMBIE NIGHTMARE, the movie that started the Thor/Fasano craze that is sweeping horror fandom. Thor could not attend the commentary in person, but he joined us via telephone and his comments were recorded at his Canadian studio, making this a joint discussion track for Thor/Fasano/Dietz. The commentary, moderated by THE JITTERS writer Jeff McKay, will be fun and informative to all the horror fans out there who loved or hated the film. This Adam West/Tia Carrere horror film is also beloved by most Mystery Science Theatre fans as one of the craziest movies ever featured on the show! Code Red is planning a late 2009 release and are also planning to HiDef the film with the original camera negatives! Keep checking in for more details!! Same CODE RED time, same CODE RED label!!
this is great I have the vhs but i'll likely get the dvd
zombie nightmare? wow!!! how random!! i never had the VHS,but I have this flick downloaded..consider it deleted!! im definetly buying this!!!
Code Red, consider releasing Meet The Feebles on DVD this summer. All we have is crappy bootlegs with video tape transfers. If you had this title you would treat it with tender loving care with a beautifully restored HD transfer taken from the original negative, newly remastered sound and lots of extras. Can you? Will you? Won't You? Thanks! :)
Hey Anthony D., I think Code Red gets it. You want Meet the Feebles. I think by now, we ALL know that. As awesome as that would be, please face the facts. This is an independent company, and MTF is not an easy right to come by considering the director and such. I don't want to crush your hopes, but Meet the Feebles will, and I'm 99.9% sure of this, not be released by Code Red. They specialize in films like, I don't know: The Evictors (1979), The Alchemist (1984), The Black Room (1984), Halloween Night (1988), Dark Sanity (1982), Fatal Pulse (1988), Blood Nasty (1989), Appointment with Fear (1985) and so on. Try asking for films of that breed.
I just see Code Red as the perfect company to release Meet The Feebles, Anonymous #2. Meet The Feebles is just perfect title to be release by Code Red, that's all.
Meet the feebles are already on dvd. Netflix has tons of it. Anthony, why are you asking a film that already have a dvd release that everyone owns & able to download on netflix???
Besides, you said you live out of the USA and already have the overseas disc? Dont you know the film had a legit release in USA?
Whatever happened to Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker??? Can we have an update on that please?
I agree with Anthony D. Meet The Feebles is in dire need of a good DVD release (especially from Code Red.). Anyway, glad to hear you're releasing Zombie Nightmare. I'm surprised you managed to get a New World Pictures film from Anchor Bay (since they own most of New World Pictures' library.). Anyway, I can't wait for Zombie Nightmare and what kind of features you'll put on the DVD! :)
What is Thor doing these days?
Hi guys - I, like alot of people, am looking forward to hearing about a release date for Zombie Nightmare. So, what's happening with it? It's almost a year since this post - hope there's no snags. Anyway, you guys are the best, and I appreciate you. -Bob
C'mon guys - please tell me you haven't given up on this title?
updates plz. what is the current state of this film, as well as Nightmare?
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