NEW UPDATE: Our distributor has spoken with BestBuy, and the 2 disc one will be available to purchase on line from BestBuy shortly.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
DEAD PIT limited edition 2 disc as a BestBuy Exclusive
BestBuys will carry in stock the limited edition 2 disc set of THE DEAD PIT. The second disc features number of behind the scenes shorts, and still gallery that we were unable to squeeze onto the first disc. So stop by your local BestBuy to pick 'em up."
NEW UPDATE: Our distributor has spoken with BestBuy, and the 2 disc one will be available to purchase on line from BestBuy shortly.
NEW UPDATE: Our distributor has spoken with BestBuy, and the 2 disc one will be available to purchase on line from BestBuy shortly.
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Deep Discount lists this on their site as a two disc:
Do you know if they're actually selling the two disc version of this?
Code Red have all ready become corporate, whipping boy-cocksucking Scum!
..LOL.........BEST BUY EXCLUSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Such restrictions and exclusivities of distribution have never and will never assist such a small entity as Code Red. Their marketplace and interest in these films is just TOO small and will always be so. And I harken to the disaster that the Best Buy Exclusive Universal Classic Sci-Fi boxsets were. Not that this situation will be the same, but it was a Best Buy Exclusive. Some of the MGM Midnite's were initially released as such, too and it didn't work very well.
If Code Red believe that they will prosper greatly financially solely from the releases of the types of films they plan to, they should pinch themselves awake.
p.s. And there is far less logistical marketplace interest in DEAD PIT than in those Universal and MGM titles mentioned.
Tread softly Code Red, but best of luck!
Maybe some people should learn to read; only the 2 disc edition is a Best Buy exclusive.
It's pretty obnoxious to make fans of the film who want the special edition have to go all the way to and as well, give business to a scum corporate entity like "Best Buy". There's just no logic in this, just whoring and contempt or at least indifference for fans.
Deep Discount lists the UPC as 891978002116 and (2d) which could possibly mean two discs, while other retailers (DVD Empire, DVD Pacific, Barnes & Noble, list the UPC as 891978002079.
Someone should tell Best Buy that they are selling this - check out their website - nothing about an exclusive 2-disc in the description. I even called my local store and they aren't getting any. You guys HAVE to find a better way to get these out there. Are you even reading these comments?
Would have gladly purchased the exclusive version HAD I FUCKING KNOWN ABOUT IT.
I ordered the 2 disc from DeepDiscount and it's scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I'll let you know if it's the right one or not.
It must be very exclusive. I've called 2 Best Buys & neither of them had it. Their website doesn't mention it being exclusive, no mention of 2 discs & it even says "Store Pickup: Not Available". Does DD have the 2 disc? I'll gladly order it from them if that's the case.
My copy from DeepDiscount has arrived and it IS the two disc. Apparently "exclusive" doesn't actually mean "only".
I called HMV here in Canada and they don't even have a listing for this DVD... they know nothing about it. What the hell is going on here?
Thanks. DeepDiscount it is then. It comes out to be even cheaper with their current 20% off sale ($9.71 plus free shipping).m
Ordered the 2 disc from DeepDiscount last night. "Backordered" I hope they send me the 2 disc since that's the sku listed none of the Best Buys around here know anything about a Best Buy "exclusive" version.
Fingers crossed.
I pass three Best Buy's on my way home and finally found the 2-disc set at the third (and least-shopped) one. I really like the DVD set- I'm not sure if this movie really warrants a Deluxe Treatment like this, but it's a fun little package (the Jeremy Slate stuff done prior to his passing is a nice jem). And the outfit Cheryl wears is pretty impressive (*smirk*); she's grown into a lovely woman now...
Really looking forward to "Night Warning"; "Cheerleader's Wild Weekend" and "The Unseen"- keep up the great work, Code Red!
It's the Universal "Classic Sci-Fi" boxset release all over again only this time, Code Red have inadvertently (?) made it even worse by taking a limited edition product and isolating it within a SINGLE location so to speak, making it readily available for collector's market capitalist scum poachers to snap up in quantities and later sell on ebay and amazon for ridiculous prices, preying upon the fans as in the case of the Universal Sci-Fi boxes. I guarantee this is what is happening. Way to go, Code Red!!! Good thinking!!!!!!
Ask and ye shall receive clarification: As Code Red stated, the 2 disc will be available at Best Buy as the retailer that carries it in STORE stock (some people still go to brick and mortar locations). If you prefer to shop online, you CAN get the 2 disc from DeepDiscount. Don't cry to Code Red if your local BestBuy is sold out or didn't get any copies. Store inventory is the decision of Best Buy. The phone number for Code Red is on the contact page if you'd like to call them. Otherwise, order from DeepDiscount.
I live in Russia, and at me a problem with purchase Dead Pit 2 disc edition, Deep Discount and Best Buy do not send disks to Russia. Prompt any Internet shop which works with Russia
I'm a big fan of Code Red, but...
The two Best Buy stores nearest to me didn't have the 2-disc version in stock. So I say to myself, "Ok, fine. I'll order it from"
My order arrived today, and it's the f-ing single disc version.
VERY annoying.
Code Red, please, please, please try to avoid this confusion with your future releases.
They sent me the single disc from Deep Discount! I'm glad I chanced it & bought the 2 disc from Best Buy before my order had arrived. I figured I'd just return it if I had gotten the 2 discer from DD. Looks like I gotta return the 1 disc back to DD.
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