We were able to do a last minute interview with veteran make-up effects artist Tom Burman for his involvement on the film THE UNSEEN. He discusses details of the original script he an Stan Winston wrote before it was re-written by TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE's Kim Henkel and has some interesting behind-the-scene stories as well. We thank Tom for granting us the interview, and we were able to include this interview as a last minute extra on the upcoming 2 disc set of THE UNSEEN!
old dude who was a never wazbeen. Big deal. why dont you go out of business and make room for the real labels on the store shelves. crappy titles for crappy label.
Oh look another troll from another DVD label!! Awwww look at the cute little troll!! *pokes him with a fire-poker*.
I love watching you tits get into an uproar lol. So much fun.
I don't know if I'd call him a "wazbeen"- he's still doing stuff for TV, like 'Monk' and 'Grey's Anatomy'. "Rockabilly" HAS to be some low-level toad from a competing label- pretty sad, really...
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