Actor-Director Peter Baldwin was kind enough to grant us an on camera interview for one of our upcoming titles that Peter starred in. Peter also granted us a lively audio commentary/interview with HOSTEL producer Scott Spiegel and our extras producer Lee Christian. The film is an Italian giallo also starring some lovely Euro actresses, a British comedian, and a tough guy Italian star playing against type as a bumbling constable. We have a brand new HiDef master in its original scope aspect ratio (2.35:1). We are trying our hands at some Italian films and this one is ready to go and will be hitting the streets in late July (tentative July 21th). Stay tune for more info.
Must be Weekend Murders! I have always wanted to see this in widescreen but I never knew it was 2.35:1. Thanks Code Red! July can't come soon enough.
Wow....yet another gem from Code Red. Thank you, thank you indeed!
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