Acclaimed cult icon Susan Tyrrell gives Code Red not only a scene specific commentary for one of our as of yet unannounced titles, but also gave us an incredible interview where she discusses many of her co-stars, including ones she wasn't fond of. Susan also discusses many of the films she did, and many she wished she didn't do! We are still doing more extras on this title including a possible audio commentary with the lead star and the producer/writer of the film! Thanks SuSu! Stay tuned for more details as we are doing a new 16x9 telecine from the original IP! Photos of Susu with the Code Red people by Lee Christian.
I hope this is for NIGHT WARNING that Susan was in. It was voted the best horror film of 1982. I think she gave one of her best performances. I can't wait to see this FINALLY on DVD.
Are you kidding?? Are you one of the same trolls demanding NIGHTMARE?? Gimme a break! NIGHT WARNING is not only ten times better, but REDEEMER can't happen anytime soon because of materials. They've said this all over the web! Move on!
Screw Night Warning! In agreement, no Redeemer=no sale. I seriously, seriously doubt anyone wnats to see any of your titles out anyway. Redemer is the only good title you have, however marginal. You are hopeless.
PLEEEEAAASSSE let this be for Night Warning. I have been campaigning for this films dvd release to every distributor for over 4 years!I even wrote to Susan Tyrrell!!! PLease keep us posted.
Hi Code Red, hey I think you should get someone to moderate your blog page. This moron who is calling himself Cryptman is not being useful or intelligent with his comments. And for the record, Night Warning is a fantastic film and it is long overdue on DVD. Congratulations Code Red on being the hero of indie horor.
While a salty and colorful survivor, I do wish Susan Tyrrell would cease saying disparaging things about her fellow actors! The interview I did with her in 1989, with her remarks about the late Brion James, Rutger Hauer, Paul Verhoven, et al continues to haunt me to this day. While her stories are entertaining, she is scarcely a paradigm of virtue. Those who live in glass houses …
-- Greg Goodsell
Hey, if anyone ever mistook Susan Tyrrell for a 'paradigm of virtue' they need their bloody head read anyway. In my homeland (Australia) we would describe her "as ugly as a hatful of arse-holes" so let's just overlook her absence of grace and appreciate her for her unique acting. Susan has remained a memeorable character actor whose 'colourful' hollywoood identity who has had a bit of a rough trot in recent years. Give her a break! Paul Verhoven is no angel himself.
hi Code Red, I can't believe some of the idiots/losers on here. If "horror fans" actually did research they would know The Redeemer is not going to happen because of the dirt cheap DVD with a crappy VHS transfer (released illegally) from another company with the title "Class Reunion Massacre" has sold a ton already, it would not be economically feasible for it to be re-released. Code Red ,you guys are working hard to release a ton of classics, I cant wait for The Mutilator, Nightmare, etc. thanks and just ignore the morons on here with the negative comments.
Code Red, Thanks again for bringing this wonderful film to DVD. I hope Jimmy McNichol will be in the commentary. I know this was suppose to be his breakout film to get away from his teen throb status. Susan Tyrrell gave a GREAT performance. Thanks again Code Red. I hope it gets released by the fall of 2008 with lots of extras-original trailer, TV spots, Photo Gallery consists of screenshots and movie posters. Take care and Happy New Year!!!
Shalom! Jean Desantiago . payday loans
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