Some real treats ahead for 2013 include:
The Alfredo Leone library with great titles like the first HD presentation of Lucio Fulci's VOICES FROM BEYOND. Also DVD releases of LOVE BY APPOINTMENT (aka HOLIDAY HOOKERS),, Mark Lester's GOLD OF THE AMAZON WOMEN, Anthony M. Dawson's VENGEANCE, and JOHN TRAVOLTO: FACE WITH TWO LEFT FEET.
Films Around the World presents VAMPIRE’S NIGHT ORGY and many more classics from the 70’s.
Gary Graver's TRICK OR TREATS with David Carradine & Steve Railsback with extras done by Sean Graver, restored in HD
Uncut version of THE MAD BOMBER called POLICE CONNECTION, recently restored by Code Red in HD from the original uncut 35mm pre-print elements . starring Vince Edwards, Chuck Connors, and Neville Brand!
CODE RED's first Blu-Ray 001 will be the director's cut of the 1974 classic THE ELECTRIC CHAIR (97 min. cut) with special features & extras; Hosted by Maria Kanellis and TV's MONSTER MAN Cleve Hall.
NAIL GUN MASSACRE (Blu-Ray 002) with a brand new 2012 HD 1.78 transfer and a new 2012 HD fullframe boom mic cut and more dvd extras by original extra creator Loyd Cryer.
And finally the biggest announcement is JUST BEFORE DAWN, and this time it's nice and clean and in HD, as I spared no expense to do this one right from the original interneg.
Many people tried to put me out of business by sabotage projects, but thanks to God creating credit cards, you can't stop Code Red. Selling direct is keeping Code Red alive, and being a bully to Code Red just shows how immature some adults are who hide behind the computer. Thanks to everyone who bought and supported Code Red as we all struggled through some very rocky years. Much appreciated and God bless you all.
Hey Bill! I see your brother's company took over the releases of The Farmer&Human Experiments. Glad to see they're still happening. I hope Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker, The Devil's Express,&Family Honor are still happening,but as Code Red titles. I also see you're venturing into some Blu Ray releases. I wish you all the best with the Blu Ray releases & all future DVD releases. God bless you & thanks for all the great B movie titles you've released this year& in years past.
Will Just Before Dawn be uncut?
Awesome news that Code Red will be going Blu!
Please include DVDs of the same movie with the Blu-rays, please! For all the people who haven't upgraded yet, and may do it eventually, won't have to buy the same damn movie twice!!
this all sound awesome i cant wait for all these gems i will always be a faithful supporter of code red and will gladly buy directly from you Bill cheers and lets drink to a killer 2013 and beyond for code red cheers
Mad Bomber, amazing. What about Devils Express or The Farmer?
Great news about the upcoming titles. Any news about Unhinged/Stark Raving Mad with the commentary tracks?
Great news about the upcoming titles. Any news on Unhinged/Stark Raving Mad with the commentary tracks?Great news about the upcoming titles. Any news on Unhinged/Stark Raving Mad with the commentary tracks?
Some amazing titles there! I'm especially looking forward to the uncut The Mad Bomber! Thanks for doing this! :D
Curse of the Blue Lights! Can't wait...
What made you change your mind to do blu-rays? Last I read, you said they wouldn't sell and the licensing fees weren't worth it.
What titles, and blu-ray, can't wait for 2013 now.
Excellent news. Can't wait to get some of these on blu-ray.
So damned excited for 2013!!! Long live Code Red!!!!
Great news and a fantastic line-up for 2013. Looking forward to the Blu-Rays!
Im glad your starting to release in blu-ray now. I dont even buy regular dvds anymore. Just Before Dawn will be my first purchase from you and I look forward to seeing other horror "classics" coming to blu. Thanks.
Glad to see that selling direct is working out for you.
Personally, I've enjoyed your non-horror releases lately (Changes, If He Hollers...), so I hope you release a few of those in 2013 as well. Thanks, Jerry.
Damn amazing news, I'll be buying some of these next year! Thanks for your hard work.
Do you have "Change of Mind" (Cinerama Releasing)? Looks pretty interesting!
Very cool!
Any word on when we might see a release of RAW FORCE?
cant wait for Trick or Treats, I really hope there's some kind of commentary, interview, hopefully both
Blu? I guess that's cool and all but please don't stop selling dvd's!
please continue to release some martial arts movies...
Fantastic news that CR are going forward with some Blus - I can't believe there are still some people above who have not yet 'upgraded'. Anybody who's serious about film collecting cherishes the blu-ray format for its representations of films closer than ever to how they were intended to be seen. Thanks, CR!
Hey Bill! How soon in 2013 will you have any of these films released? Can we expect any of the 2013 releases to be out at the beginning of January 2013?
Hi Bill I Hope Codered Or Scorpion Will Please Release THE SLAYER Needs A Release Badly.
Sounds great! Does this mean that Beyond the Darkness will be relased on blueray?
Sounds great! Does this mean that Voices from beyond will be relased on blueray?
Pay day is the first for me,so if you have any new releases before February 1st, I'll have to hold out until then. Hope you've got some new stuff coming up really soon since you've got Big Cartel down for maintenance.
Thanks for more movies to download off the torrents! I've got about titles I've gotten off pirate bay, please keep up the good work.
Can you confirm that JUST BEFORE DAWN will be fully uncut this time? Will it be on DVD as well as Blu-ray?
Please make everything available on DVD. I have no interest yet in having to upgrade to "blu", at leat not until I'm forced too.
Really looking forward to Trick Or Treats from a print I can actually (hopefully) SEE for once! That film is really a fucked up little gem. Here's to a great year!
I really want the Mad Bomber uncut
What happened to Just Before Dawn? Blu Ray is nice, but the wait is killing me! Right now, I'd be happy to have it no matter what version its in!
Just Before Dawn is day one buy if it is FULLY UNCUT.
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