An overdue update on our upcoming DVD release of BUTCHER BAKER, NIGHTMARE MAKER! Jimmy McNichol dropped by to give us an audio commentary and also an on-camera interview. Jimmy talked about his memories of the shoot, what he is doing now, and his possible comeback in the music scene. Our brand new HD transfer of the film was done from the original camera negatives. We chose the camera negatives since the two IPs we had both had scratch/line on all the reels. The transfer looks great and the extras are done. Sorry for the delay on this release, but it's definitely coming soon so please be patient just a little bit longer!
Thanks for the update! As I might have said before, my uncle loves this film (he knows it as the film's alternate title "Night Warning"). I'm surprised he's aware of the film's excistance. I'll definately buy this for him! Thanks again. :)
Yes, all well and fine, but now how about a detailed status update regarding what the FUCK is happening with NIGHTMARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........Thanks...........
This is my most anticipated DVD release from any company, so I am overly excited to hear this! You guys are great for polishing and renewing this classic title.
Excellent news indeed. Can't wait for this release. I'll be picking it up as soon as it's available.
...Now... what about "Nightmare"?
thanks so much for the update on Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker (or Night Warning as it's known here in Australia). This is the most exciting title on the Code Red horizon and I can't wait to see it in all its glory as my VHS copy is nearly dead. Can we see some cover art and have a full listing of extras soon? An approximate street date would be great too. Congratulations Code Red, your Don't Go In The Woods release was sensational, I hope this one tops even that!
amazing! can't wait.
Thank you sooo much for the update! This is the most wanting DVD on my list for many years. Thank you again!!!
can we get an approximate date? This would have been great for christmas!
can't wait for this release...very exciting. This is such as an amazing movie..thank god Code Red have the rights to it. You are yet to disappoint in terms of content.It would be great if we could have an update on an estimated release date. Any ideas?
I am SO frustrated this is not OUT YET.
yeah it's frustrating hey. I'm sure it will be worth the wait....but what a wait! This must be the most protracted DVD release in history. Any more news on features, cover art etc would be great but mainly, when can we pre-order????
When is it coming out? I just posted my review for this film on my blog under the title Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker since that is what you are releasing it as.
Your company is starting to become one I love and hate. Love that you release some of my old favorites that I thought would never come out on DVD.
Hate that it takes you forever sometimes and discontinue titles very quickly (Savage Streets, Final Exam). It is hard to buy every title when it comes out right away in this economy.
OK so the last update was in NOVEMBER 2009....WHEN will this movie be on DVD?
yeah c'mon Code Red...we know it's a one man operation but can you PLEEEAAASSEEE get BBNM out? What does Susan Tyrrell have to say about this? I'm sure lots of Code Red followers are Facebook friends with her, I am. any news would be great.
Well It's About Time!!!!!!
jimmy mcnichol is such a phony. i use to work for him and i know how he works.
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